RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Previous Question Papers

RPSC stands for Rajasthan Public Service Commission. This articles provides RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Previous Question Papers.


  • Minimum Age – 18 years
  • Maximum Age – 40 years

Educational Qualifications

  • Post Graduate in Mathematics or Statistics OR
  • M.Sc. in Agriculture Statistics from IARS, New Delhi And
  • Working Knowledge of Hindi Written in Devnagari Script and Knowledge of Rajasthani Culture.

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Scheme of Examination

This examination includes only one paper.

General Knowledge of Rajasthan4040
Concerned Subject110110
Total1501502.30 Hours


  • There is a negative marking of 1/3 marks for each wrong answer.

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer 2024 Notification Download

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Previous Question Papers

SubjectDownload Links
2020 (Agri Dept)Download
2018 TSPDownload
2018 Non – TSPDownload

Detailed Syllabus

General Knowledge of Rajasthan

  • Geography, Natural Resources and Socio- Economic Development of Rajasthan : Major physiographic divisions of Rajasthan, Vegetation and Soil, Natural Resources – Minerals, Forest, Water, Livestock, Wild Life and its Conservation, Environmental Conservation, major Irrigation Projects, Handicrafts, Development Programmes and Schemes of the State Government, Various Resources of power and Population in Rajasthan.

  • History, Culture and Heritage of Rajasthan: History of Rajasthan, Famous Historical & Cultural Places of Rajasthan, Folk Literature, Folk Art, Folk Drama, Lok Devian- Devata, Folk Music and Dance, Fairs & Festivals. Customs, Jewellary, Famous Forts. Temples and hawelies. Saints of Rajasthan, Paintings- various schools in Rajasthan. Major tourist centres and Heritage Conservation.

  • Current Events and Issues of Rajasthan and India, major development in the field of Information Technology & Communication.

(Part – B) Concerned Subject

Descriptive Statistics

  • Classification
  • Tabulation
  • Frequency Distribution
  • Bar Diagram
  • Pie Chart
  • Histogram
  • Frequency Polygon
  • Frequency Curve
  • Measures of Central Tendency
    • Arithmetic Mean
    • Geometric Mean
    • Harmonic Mean
    • Median
    • Mode
  • Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles
  • Measures of Dispersion
    • Range
    • Quartile Deviation
    • Mean Deviation
    • Standard Deviation
    • Variance
    • Coefficient of Variation
  • Moments
  • Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis


  • Classical and Axiomatic approaches of probability
  • ConditionalProbability
  • Bayes theorem
  • Simple problems on Probability.
  • Random variable and Mathematical Expectation with applications
  • Chebychev’s inequality, Probability
  • distributions: Probability mass function
  • Probability density function and their properties.
  • Concept of moment generating function
  • cumulant generating function and characteristic function.

Theoretical Distributions

  • Discrete probability distributions:
    • Bernoulli,
    • binomial,
    • Poisson,
    • negative binomial,
    • geometric and hyper geometric.
    • Continuous
  • probability distributions:
    • Rectangular, normal, gamma and beta type one and typetwo and Cauchy.
  • Sampling distributions:
    • Chi-square, t-distribution, F-distribution their applications and inter-relationship.

Correlation, Regression and Multivariate Analysis

  • Karl-Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation and Speareman’s rank correlation co-efficient
  • simple linear regression
  • method of least squares.
  • Multivariate Normal Distribution
  • Hotelling’s T2 distribution.
  • Discriminant, Principal Component and Factor Analysis.
  • Wishart’s distribution and its properties.

Sampling Methods

  • Simple random sampling with and without replacement stratified random sampling
  • cluster sampling
  • systematic sampling
  • sampling for proportions.

Experimental Design

  • Concept of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for one way and two-way classified data, uniformity trials, principles of design of experiments.
  • Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Block Design (RBD), LatinSquare Design (LSD), missing plot technique, 22 and 23 factorial experiments in RBD, complete and partial confounding.

Theory of estimation and Testing of Hypothesis

  • Point and interval estimation, properties of estimators.
  • Methods of estimation:
    • method of least squares and maximum likelihood estimation.
  • Confidence internal and confidence limits.
  • Concept of hypothesis, types of errors, Neyman-Pearson’s lemma, parametric tests for large and small samples.
  • Non-parametric tests:
    • run, sign and median.

Time Series Analysis and Index Number

Components, Measurements of Trend, Seasonal, Cyclical and irregular variations, Autocorrelation, Auto regression, Periodogram. Uses, types, tests and limitations of index numbers, construction of index numbers, simple and weighted aggregate method, Simple and weighted average price-relatives, Chain base index numbers, base shifting, Splicing and Deflating of Index numbers, cost of Living index numbers.

Agriculture Statistics and Statistical Organization in India

Importance of Statistics in Agriculture, Agricultural statistical system in India, Agricultural Census, Livestock Census, Land use statistics. Agriculture Survey. National Agricultural Production Index. Crop production Index, CSO, NSSO, National Income Statistics, Population Census.

Interpolation, Extrapolation and Numerical Integration

Finite differences, divided differences, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation, Newton’s divided difference interpolation, Lagrange’s interpolation, Starling’s interpolation and Bessel’s interpolation formulae, Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule of numerical integration.

Linear Programming

Graphical method of solution of linear programming in two variables, convex sets and their properties, simplex method, Assignment problems, Transportation problems.


Various types of matrices, their basic operations and properties. Rank of a Matrix; Invertible matrices and their inverse. Determinants: Determinant of a square matrix and their properties. Solution of system of linear equations in two or three variables using inverse of a matrix. Theory of equations: Relation between the roots and coefficients of general polynomial equation in one variable. Transformation of equations. Descartes’ rule of signs.


Partial derivatives, curvature, asymptotes, envelopes and evolutes, maxima and minima of functions up to two variables, Beta and Gamma functions, double and triple integrals.

Advanced Calculus

Mean value theorems (Rolle’s, Lagrange’s, Taylor’s theorems), sequence and series with convergence properties

Ordinary and Partial differential equations

Linear differential equations of first order and higher degree, Clairaut’s form, Linear differential equations of constant coefficients, ordinary homogeneous differential equations, Linear differential equations of second order with variable coefficients. Partial differential equations of first order, solution by Lagrange’s method.

Integral transforms and Special functions

Hypergeometric functions, Legendre’s polynomials, Bessel’s functions. Recurrence relations and orthogonal properties. Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transform. Fourier sine and cosine transforms. Convolution theorem.

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